Newborn Backdrop Stand | Easy DIY using PVC pipes
Making a newborn backdrop stand is as easy as fitting a few PVC pipes and ...
DIY Vintage Frame Wall
Inspired by the amazing and talented Sue Bryce, I went off in search of old ...
Milky Way TV #8: DIY Tulle Skirt + Lace Dress
Today we're getting crafty on Milky Way TV!I'm sure you've seen some (ok - a ...
DIY Knit Wrap (no knitting involved!)
Make this great wrap in 5 minutes? Milky Way student, Karin Marie Photography shares her ...
DIY: Create Your Own Star Jar
Create a little summer-time magic with your very own star jar! Supplies needed: Glass Jar ...
DIY Crowns
Don't get me wrong...I love the crown creations you can buy out there! But sometimes, ...
A bit of vintage…for a bitty price
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE prop shopping. In fact, it's possible one might ...
DIY props: Making Angel Wings
While you *could* just go out and buy yourself some angel wings on e-bay, here's ...