Free Resources and Education for Photographers During COVID-19

As photographers, being in quarantine can leave us feeling helpless, scared, and confused on what we could possibly be doing for our businesses during this time.
I mean, we’re photographers. We work DIRECTLY with people.
And when we can’t photograph our clients, we can’t do our jobs.
…or can we?
Yes, it’s true that we can’t be out there doing actual photography sessions, or hosting in-person sales meetings, but there is so much more to running a photography business than shooting sessions.
This is a time to step into CEO-mode.
Right now, there are so many amazing people in our industry who have put together special resources, free (and super discounted) training to help you through this time.
We’ve compiled a list of ones we’ve recently see pop up (please feel free to leave us a note in the comments if you think there are others we should add to the list!)

Free Newborn Guide for Clients
If you missed it earlier, we put together a free guide you can send to your newborn clients who have had to reschedule their sessions. It offer simple tips and posing ideas they can use to capture this special moment at home, until they are able to come visit you for a future session.
Option 1: Done-for-you guide with images (PDF)
Option 2: Editable Canva-Template you can customize

Free 14-Day Guided Challenge by Sprout Studio
A 14-day guided challenge where you’ll work day-to-day to build a rock-solid marketing and sales plan.
While the challenge officially has already taken place, when you sign up, just hit reply on your first email to ask them to send all the pieces of the challenge!
Sign up for the challenge here (and check out the other curated resources)

Free Guide + Checklist by Iris
This guide includes a checklist of things you can do NOW to come out stronger on the other side of this.
Grab the guide here

Free Masterclass from the PrintMaker System
From free masterclasses to incredible deals on every tool and education they offer, check out the resources offered here
(and if you haven’t listened to my convo with the co-founder Chris Scott, tune in to podcast episode #8)

Free SEO Challenge by Fuel Your Photos
If ‘SEO’ has been on your ‘should try to figure this out one day’ list, Fuel Your Photos has a 7-day challenge set up that will kick start your journey into SEO
Sign up for the free 7-day challenge here
FREE 90-Day Trial with Sticky Emails
Have you been meaning to dive into the world of email marketing, but just never had the time?
StickyEmails has a SWEET offer on right now where you get your first 90 DAYS free!
That means you can get your email marketing set up and rolling before you ever pay a dime, and by the time your subscription starts up, we should be back in the game!
Sign up for the free 90-day trial here!
Small Business Survival Guide by Jenna Kutcher
Grab the guide here
Swipe-able Email Responses to Your Clients About COVID-19 for Photographers (Red Curl Creative)
Grab the swipe-able emails here
And if you are looking to improve your craft during this time, all of our classes + retreats on sale
And we’ve added extended payment plans!
This won’t be our forever new normal. We WILL be back out there shooting again. Let’s make sure when we can go back to business as normal, we’re ready (and we have a stronger foundation built!)
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)