…this is brilliant! (and you can use it in your biz too!)
This random video stumbled across my newsfeed yesterday. And within minutes, I was totally teary-eyed.
I would love for you to watch it…for 2 reasons.#1. It’s a great message (even if it IS an ad)#2. I think there’s a great lesson shown here (to use in your business)
How did you feel watching it?
Personally – I got a little weepy (um..ok, maybe a lot)
I could totally relate to their comments about feeling pressure to be good at all things, and constantly doing more, more, more.
And I LOVE what I do. Which makes it even easier to forget to make time for other things (including myself).
Can you relate?
So on a personal level, if you are juggling parenthood and running a business, please remember…
“The days are long but the years are short” It’s cliche – but it’s also so true. Don’t get lost in your business.
Now…as for point #2. A lesson for your business.
If you watched the video until the end, you’ll see it was put together by a spa.
Did you hear any mention of what oils they use for massages? Or how their estheticians just LOVED giving people pedicures since they were old enough to hold a file.
Nope. It was about the emotion they wanted you to feel. To relax. To breath. To let go. To find your sactuary.(oh…and by the way, we can help with that.)
Why are people coming to you? It isn’t for a digital file.
And no, it isn’t even for a high-end canvas. Or an album.
What are the emotions they want to experience before, during and after your session.What do they want to feel when they see their family on the walls.
THAT is what they are coming for. Not the print. 🙂
Just like our students don’t join us for Studio Lighting for Newborns to learn about studio lighting…I mean, yes, they will learn about lighting, but what they REALLY want is consistent images, reduced editing time and confidence going into every session (and that’s what they walk away with!)
(uh…how was THAT for a not-so-subtle plug for our class – smooth like butter right?)
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)