11 Ideas to Stay Connected with your clients

The whole “stay connected with your clients” seems to be one of those things that starts with good intentions, but then falls to the wayside when things get “busy.”
I get it. It happens. But I also know how much impact taking the time to reach out can have on my business and relationships with my clients.
We’ve compiled a list of ideas that you can use as inspiration. Some of these will feel good to you. Others might feel awkward.
Pick what feels authentic for you.
Then add it into your client process so you actually do it – each. and. every. time.
11 Ways to “connect” with your clients:
- send a thank-you text immediately after your session
- write a hand-written thank-you note after your session (in addition to one that you might include with your package) – it’s rare to get hand-written notes these days, and a simple, “I hope you are enjoying your family photos…thanks once again for trusting me with these precious memories” can make a lasting impression
- collect their birthday + anniversary information during your intake process, and send out cards (don’t make it a marketing opportunity…just send a thoughtful note)
- send out holiday cards (this might seem overwhelming…but get some holiday cards now, and after each session, write it out and file it to send out next November – same goes with those birthday and anniversary cards – write them out right after the session and then file for the month it should be sent out!
- if a client refers someone (whether or not you have a referral program) take the time to send them a thank-you note (resist the urge to just send an email!)
- If you know a bit more about your client’s interests, job, etc – if you see newspaper or online articles that you think they might be interested in, send them a quick email with the link, saying “saw this and thought of you” (it doesn’t need to be any longer than that!
- Host a client appreciation event. It could be a summer picnic or BBQ, a studio anniversary party (you could invite all or just your top clients for a VIP event)
- At your session, print out one extra 4×6 and make a card to send out 10 months later with a quick note like, “Oh how time flies! Would love the opportunity to photograph your family again” or “That was then…would love to capture your now!” – and if you offer an incentive to clients who rebook…special bonus, etc – remind them of it here.
- Send out a monthly studio e-newsletter (include some recent sessions, maybe a bit about what’s going on in your world, some new products, upcoming sessions, etc)
- Create a custom calendar for your top clients to give as holiday gifts (you then get to stay top of mind all year round!
- Pick up the phone and call them (I personally would reserve that for those I had a strong personal connection to, otherwise I KNOW it would come off awkward!)

My challenge for you this week is to set aside 30 minutes (yes…put that in your planner right now!) and decide what touch-points feel right to you.
Then adjust your client process to add in the steps to make sure it actually happens.
I think you’ll find the return will be well worth the additional time (and small investment) to stay connected!
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)