Hello fans! Uh. Anyone there? (Tackling Timelines-4b)
We continue on our mission of moving over to timeline, and chat about some overall facebook strategies. And if you are just joining us now, head back to the beginning of the series!
In our last post, we talked about some strategies to drive people to your facebook page, as well as some ideas to entice people to ‘like’ you.
Now, we’re going to talk a bit what to do with fans once you have them!
Fans + You….together forever.Or are they?
For those of you who are banking on ‘just getting more fans’ as your marketing strategy, here’s a startling statistic facebook recently released
On average only 12 percent of the people that “like” a page see a new message from the page owner show up in their news feed.
What does that mean for you? You shouldn’t be counting on your ‘status updates’ as a reliable way to reach your potential clients.
So, what do we suggest? Find a way to get their contact information, and permission to touch base with them from time to time.
How? By offering a special offer/coupon, newsletter with tips on how to take better photos of your kids, a free download…you get the idea. Just like you needed a reason for them to LIKE you, you’ll need a reason for them to give you their email address!
Now, in order to stay in compliance with anti-spam regulations in the US (and the same rules are coming to Canada soon), you will want to find an email provider that offers a double opt-in (meaning, after they sign up, they receive a confirmation email they have to click on).
Some options for your e-mail marketing:
1. Mailchimp (popular because of it’s friendly user interface and FREE account up to 2,000 offer)
2. Mad Mimi – popular for it’s nice looking designs and ease of use
3. Constant Contact – this company is evolving to offer even more functionality with social campaigns and ‘local deals’ that may be more suited for small businesses vs groupon/living social
Once you have chosen your email marketing provider, check out their facebook app to add a ‘sign up box’ from your facebook page! Google “how do I add my <name of provider> app to facebook” and you’ll get some step by step tutorials!
Here’s the steps mailchimp – http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/how-do-i-add-a-mailchimp-sign-up-form-to-my-facebook-fan-page
Of course, much like getting a fan is only good if you engage your fans, getting email addresses are only useful if you stay in touch!
So, block out a couple hours, build your template, fill in a loose schedule for the next 6 months, that you can tweak and plan to email your prospects and clients each month (or so). Be sure to have interesting content and special offers.
Newsletters are also a great time to remind clients about your referral program (if you have one…if you don’t, watch for future posts on that!)
How to keep facebook fans engaged?
Ask questions in your posts, have polls, get feedback (and respond to feedback!). Share some personal stories (doesn’t have to be super personal, but let “you” shine through…vs a faceless company).
Encourage clients to upload a favourite family snapshot (it lets you get to know your clients, and it might make them realize, they don’t have many family snapshots!)
The more they are engaged, the more likely they are to see your newsfeed (but remember the statistic – on average – 12% of your fans are seeing your updates. With email, you will have a MUCH higher ‘view rate.’)
Check out this link for some other effective status updates to increase fan engagement
Good luck with tackling YOUR timeline!
And, watch for our upcoming FACEBOOK PARTY!! (date and time to be announced soon!!) Some seriously great giveaways coming up….including…yes…a copy of the maternity guide coffee table book!
(if you have a favourite vendor you would like to see featured at the party, email us at [email protected])
Do you have any favourite status updates that seems to create a buzz?
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)

12% of your fans are seeing your updates — WOW!! I had no idea!!
Thanks for all the info! Now I know.. Going to make sure I use mailchimp! Can you also write a post on what to do for newsletters and stuff? Thank you!
Thanks Phoebe! We are working on some email resources! Watch for it in the next month or so!