What is she thinking?
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)

"Ugh, who knew turning one would be so messy?"
What?!?! Vanilla buttercream?!? I ordered cream cheese frosting for my session!
Now if my mouth is this big and the cake it THIS big……..
Leesa Miller How did it get on my toe?
Tiffany Kampmann…they told me this wasn't sugar free!
Victoria Verboncoeur Bement What just happened here? I think the cake attacked me!
Heather Barrett What the..
Nicole Jade Lancaster Which part do I lick first?
Tiffany Eberline "OMG it moves…"
Jennifer Olsen Dunlap Is this buttercream? Tastes like cream cheese. I swear I asked for buttercream.
Sarah Paez What? Vanilla buttercream? I ordered cream cheese frosting for my session!
Linda Bm Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Sugar………….
Kelly Gentz "What am I supposed to do now? I'm such a mess."
What? This isn't chocolate!
How in the world am I going to get all this nummy icing off of this cupcakes…and into my tummy!!!!
*cupcake* 😉
Alright cupcake… let's just get one thing straight- I am not liable for what I'm about to do to you!
Why hasnt anyone told me about these before?? Like come on! Frosting and cake…TOGETHER!!!!
“Ugghh…and I was being so careful!”
How will I EVER get that off my toe?
“Am I dreaming? Yummmm….a giant cupcake, now for a pony!!!!”
Hey! I asked for Chocolate…
How the heck did I get icing on my toe?!
Man o man I just got my nails done and now all this frosting is going to wreck my mani/pedi ; )
I don’t understand… the last one of these my mommy let me play with was a stuffie, and definitely didn’t stick to my fingers. huh.
Okay..keep calm..and get me some wet wipes! 🙂
hhhhmmmmm…. I don't even remember touching my foot.
I’m not so sure I like this.
Ummmm Helllooo! Is anyone seeing this, I am dirty! Helllllooo over here! I need cleaning! SOMEBODY CLEAN ME!!!! 🙂