Need a ‘serious’ reality check?
So, every now and then, it occurs to me that I’ve started to take myself way too seriously.
Perhaps this has happened to you? Maybe it’s happening right now?
There’s a saying, “Take your job seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously.”
And, I think that’s a great saying
(I guess in our case, it would be ‘take your business seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously.”
If photography is how you earn your income, yes, you better be treating it like a serious business.
BUT…you do NOT have to take yourself too seriously.
Is what we do important? Absolutely.
But, we are allowed to mess up. We can try new things and fail. We can admit that we don’t know everything. We can change our minds (yes…really!) and we can (and should) laugh at ourselves every now and then!
If you realize that you’ve started to take yourself a wee bit too serious, here’s a tip:
Try to find a quiet place to settle in and ask yourself, “why am I feeling this way right now”Listen to the inner dialogue that appears.
- Is there something you are feeling unsure of or insecure about?
- Is there a particular area in your business or life that is causing stress?
- Are you holding on to something that should be released?
If you aren’t sure if you are taking yourself too seriously, ask a friend (not a spouse!) – and be open to their answer 🙂
A good indication you might be is when you start to become rather inflexible or open to new ideas and different view points.
How to snap out of it? Laugh. Get goofy.
Dig up some old photos or videos of you being silly. Like um…this beauty Erin just found in the archives…haha
Dance montage anyone?(proof that learning about studio lighting is fun!) 😉
And what’s super funny…tonight in the park, our kids pulled out their own dance moves! Like mother like son?
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)