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Stop Putting Your Creativity on a Pedestal
If I can be frank for a moment: as creatives, we sometimes get too precious about our process ...
Expertly-Crafted Experiences and Top-Tier Service: How to Build a Luxury Photography Brand with Lindsay Walden
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I wish I could have a luxury brand, but…” Well today, Lindsay ...
What Are You Indulging In Right Now?
We all have thought patterns we fall into from time to time. Things like self-doubt, procrastination, perfection are ...
Stop Selling Yourself Short: How to Price and Market Yourself to be a Profitable Photographer with Jenny Cruger and Alison Craig of The Profitable Portrait Society
Between the two of them, Jenny and Allison have decades of experience as luxury photographers. And this year, ...
Kneading Creativity- Sourdough and the Photographer’s Journey
Baking often gets described as a science instead of an art, which might be true to some degree… ...