Alumni Interview: Farrah Welch Photography
We’re excited to introduce you to another one of our talented alumni, Farrah Welch.
Find her on Facebook here:
Where do you call home?Santa Clarita, California
Describe Your Stylesoft, sweet, simple, contemporary
What made you decide to become a photographer?Before getting into photography, professionally, I had 14 years of experience in digital arts, ranging from graphic and web design to visual effects. Photography had always been a hobby of mine, but once my son was born, I became more passionate behind the camera. Each stage of a child’s life is so fleeting, and I wanted to capture each one. With my background, it was easy to transfer my artistic skills to a different medium. Advanced photo editing and compositing came naturally, and allowed me to continue my creative career while staying home with my son.
How did you learn? Degree? Self-taught? Workshops?Thanks to my dad, I’ve had an SLR in my hands since I was a teenager. I took a class when I was 14 to learn the basics and spent many hours after school photographing and experimenting in the darkroom. My only limiting factor was the amount of film and photo paper I could get my hands on! Since then, I’ve read everything I could get my hands on, studied other photographers, and taken several workshops. Most of my photo editing has been self taught over the years, but my experience in visual effects has taken it to the next level.
How long have you had your Photography Business?I started my photography business about two and a half years ago after my son was born.
What do you love most about having your own business?The best part about having my own business is being able to set my schedule and make it work for me and my family. My business allows me to stay home with my son and give him the attention and parenting he needs during his early years while still giving me a creative outlet.
What do you love the least?My least favorite part is the business side. I am a digital artist. I love to create. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions and I really love to edit, particularly when it comes to challenging shots. When it comes to everything else, the business side of things, I really wish I had someone else to cover it… One day, perhaps, I will find the perfect partner 🙂
What do you wish you had known prior to starting your own photography business?This is a tough question… everything I know now? No… everything I will know the day I die. Information, experience… I wish I could have it all at the start, but it’s not the way life works of course.
Studio or on-location?I do both. I prefer my newborns to come to my home studio. I have everything I need at hand and can control the temperature, white noise, and other environmental factors as needed. I prefer my toddlers outdoors, where they are free, in their element, and sundrenched 🙂
What was your biggest “A-ha” moment?Seeing the light…
Where do you find inspiration for your art?All around me! I find inspiration in texture, color, light, even a soft smile of a new mom looking down at her baby.
Something you’re still learning?…Everything! It doesn’t matter how experienced someone gets, you can always learn more and grow… and I plan to!
How do you create balance between your business and the rest of life?I take a limited number of sessions, and try to focus on my work during designated hours. Otherwise, I’d let my work run away with me.
How do you measure success?For me, if I am happy with myself, happy with my work, always improving, and making others happy with my artwork, then I am succeeding.
What has been your most memorable shoot & why?My most memorable shoot was my very first newborn shoot. It was for my best friend, and I flew half way across the country with a suitcase full of equipment to do it. I filled my first beanbag in her backyard (and left a gigantic styrofoam mess for her poor husband and his leaf blower!). I didn’t particularly know what I was doing, but it was a learning experience, and I captured some beautiful photos for them. Most importantly, I loved doing it, and decided I wanted to focus on newborns in the future. If it weren’t for that photoshoot, I may not be where I am now.
What’s your Favorite Image? And why is it your favorite?I love this image of tiny little Scarlett. She looks like she is dreaming on cloud nine. 🙂
Favourite gear?My current favorite is my 50×50 softbox and my AB400 combo… I never thought I could steer from my natural light, but it’s so soft and amazing. I love the consistency and control I have with it.
What is your go to lens & why?In my studio my 50mm 1.4 dominates the session. I love to shoot at wide apertures and it’s perfect for my newborn shots.
RAW or Jpeg?RAW! I want full control over my images when I am editing.
Nikon or Canon?Canon, ever since my first AE-1. I never looked back…
Mac or PC?While Apple has found its way into my heart when it comes to the iphone, the ipad, and potentially the inevitable icoffeetable, I’ve always been a PC girl and would never give up my fully customizable workstations.
Lightoom or Photoshop ( or both ?)I use both in my workflow. I could live without Lightroom, but it does make “developing” quicker. Photoshop is the tool I can’t live without.
Which 5 words would your friends use to best describe you?caring, patient, nurturing, creative, meticulous
What classes have you taken with The Milky Way?I’ve taken “Illuminate” and “Beyond the Beanbag.” The combination of these classes has really made a huge influence on how my sessions flow, and has really improved my studio photography.
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)