Alumni Interview: D.P. Photography
We’re excited to introduce you to another one of our talented alumni, Deanna of D.P. Photography.
Find her on Facebook here:
Where do you call home?Toronto, ON
Describe Your Style-Simple-Classic-Clean-Try to keep things neutral so images don’t look dated or too overly trendy
What made you decide to become a photographer?Maybe cliche but after my 1st baby, husband bought me a camera and I couldn’t put it down in photographing my son. Fell in love from there and read all I could to increase my knowledge base and skill level. I’m in my happy place at a session with a newborn or new mom, or family.
How did you learn? Degree? Self-taught? Workshops?All self taught. Joined forums, read article after article (including my camera manual! 🙂
How long have you had your Photography Business?3 years
What do you love most about having your own business?I still work a “regular 9-5” job so having my own business is a little bit like my own get away. I look forward to sessions, I love working with my clients and always aim to have fun. I get to imagine and create something for them that as a parent I would want to see hanging in my home.
What do you love the least?The paperwork doesn’t seem to disappear! 🙂 I think I need an admin asst! 🙂
What do you wish you had known prior to starting your own photography business?I wish I had some idea on marketing. I always feel like if I had an idea on how to get my name out there I might be a bit further on than where I am. Obviously I could be wrong on that too, but it’s something that always sticks out and that I currently still struggle with.
Studio or on-location?In-home studio and location
Where do you find inspiration for your art?Other images I see ; People seen everyday- I love to people watch and imagine them in front of my camera
Something you’re still learning?…Always learning new techniques, different ways to shoot. Still learning how to put myself out there fearlessly.
How do you measure success?Are you happy with what you’re doing? Are you pursuing what you believe is your calling and striving to get better? I believe that part of the success meter stick. It’s more than how many fans on facebook; more than how much money you bring in. none of that lasts but your happiness and legacy do.
What’s your Favorite Image? And why is it your favorite?An image of my daughter at 3wks old. A colleague did her newborn session for me and was kind enough to walk me through poses, techniques tips etc. I practiced again on her at 3wks old and accomplished the “basic” newborn pose (on tummy, ankles crossed) with a little tutu on. I was so proud that I was able to get this. It became a 16×24 canvas in my home 🙂
What is your go to lens & why?Tamron 28-75 2.8. Has never failed me and been with me since i started photography, sharp and lightweight.
RAW or Jpeg?RAW!
Nikon or Canon?Canon
Mac or PC?PC
Lightoom or Photoshop ( or both ?)Both
What classes have you taken with The Milky Way?Biz bootcamp; Beyond The Beanbag; Illuminate; Enlighten
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)