You are NOT your business…{you are so much more}.
My dear…you are NOT your business.
Ok…maybe part of you is. But not all of you.
Here’s the thing. I’m going to guess you are passionate about your business.
And, that’s ok. In fact, that’s great!
But, I’m also going to guess that some days, your feelings of self-worth are hinged DIRECTLY to your business (to EXTERNAL opinions + reactions to your business).
That’s not ok.
What do I mean?
Imagine this…
You have an AMAZING session. Seriously. You are over-the-moon-excited.
You put up the sneak peek eagerly awaiting the “likes and comments” to appear and…alas…crickets.
You send over a client gallery and their response, “thanks…those are nice.”
Nice? Nice? Not “I love them!!!!!!!!!!” with a whole lot of exclamation marks??
Your stomach drops. You feel horrible. You think, “my works sucks.” Which leads to thinking “I suck.” Which leads to feeling stressed out, grumpy and jaded and in general, not loving life.
Sound at all familiar?
Here’s the thing…our work is very personal. So, it is natural to ‘feel it personally’ when someone doesn’t like our work. Or our prices.
However, if you find things like this totally affect your entire mood, it might be time to take a step back and ask yourself, “who AM I outside of my photography business?”
Are you making time for YOU. ALL of you? Not just ‘business you?’
Because believe me, I totally understand how easily your business can swallow you up. But it is important for your well-being (and the future of your business), to make sure you have time for you.
To rest. To relax. To connect with your family and friends. To go back to those hobbies long forgotten.
(if this sounds familiar, tell us in the comments below what you did to ‘re-discover’ yourself – or what you plan on doing!)
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)

i just love all your real life wake up calls. i’ve been so slammed and busy season just started, that I looked down and noticed i hadn’t had my toenails painted in ages (random right? but seriously noticeable). I also photograph my babies while I am barefoot so my toes **should** look nice! something so small made me realize that i am slipping from taking care of ‘me’. i am scheduling one full day this next week for pampering. i will then find a way to key in one ‘me’ day on the calendar every 6 weeks. I will also make sure i am scheduling full days of just play with my boys because they deserve me time just as much, if not more.
This made me literally laugh out loud “*crickets*” I have SO been there! I hate that feeling..but thank you for putting it into perspective! I am glued to your blog this evening. So glad I came across it!
This blog topic came directly to my email right when I needed it to. Reading this helped me more than you know. Most of the time the reason I feel that way is from my own criticisms. From now on I will make a point to step away from ‘business’ me and be my own best friend. Maybe take myself out for a Target date. ??
This came to me at the most precise moment! Yes I have been THERE so many times! It is so easy to forget the other you, the one that really matters. Thank you for this wake up call!! ?