Newborn Poses with Siblings
Your success in nailing newborn poses with siblings will depend on how easily you can adapt! The toddler crowd is unpredictable, and I always warn clients that we will do our best, but nothing is guaranteed!
There are lots of amazing teachings on posing, wrapping, maternity, business, editing, marketing and much more in the Newborn Retreat!
Newborn Poses with Siblings on Flokati
These overhead shots are always loved by parents, but not necessarily always practical with very young siblings. Not many toddlers will be cooperative enough to not only lie down in one spot, but also lie still and carefully cradle their little sibling. Always consider the safety of the baby above any cute shot.
For older siblings, I always add a few rolled up wraps or blankets under the flokati for them to rest their head on. It makes it more comfortable, but also raises their heads just enough for a great angle when you are standing over them. Which brings me again to safety … ALWAYS wear a neck strap with your camera for these overhead shots!
It’s usually easiest to have baby wrapped tightly for these shots, as it allows for easy posing next to their brother or sister, and baby will be more likely to stay asleep through all the moving around (and loud sibling giggles!)
Top:Megan Macdonald PhotographyBottom left: Glow PortraitsBottom right: Milk & Honey Photography
Newborn Poses with Younger Siblings
If the ages or temperament of siblings don’t allow for the classic overhead “lying on flokati” shot, a better approach is to pose baby in a prop or even on the beanbag, and then simply asking the sibling to come over and interact with their little brother or sister. Asking them to give baby a kiss, or to smell their head, and being ready to take the shot in that one second, will result in sweet images that parents will love.
For in-home sessions, I find that little siblings are more comfortable and inclined to want to show off their big brother/sister skills. Most will be happy to be given the honour of holding the baby, allowing you to put the sibling in an armchair or on the bed with pillows propped around them (to keep them contained, lol!), with the newborn carefully placed on their lap. Again, baby safety is paramount, so make sure to have a parent right there with their hand on baby all the time, only taking it away for a second while you take the shot.
Top row: Danielle Hobbs Photography, Eden Bao PhotographyBottom row: Milk & Honey Photography
Newborn Poses with Multiple Siblings
When you have more than one sibling to pose with baby, use the power of the oldest sibling to your advantage. Little ones will usually be just too happy to follow and imitate their older brother or sister, so try posing the older one first.
Left column: Danielle Hobbs Photography, Megan Macdonald PhotographyRight column: Milk & Honey Photography
If you would like more inspiration for your newborn poses with siblings and family members, don’t miss the Newborn Retreat! It’s just like an in-person conference, but without the cost and travel!
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)