Never work a day in your life?
Ok. When you read this, what pops in your head?
Are you thinking, “heck yes! I totally agree”
Or,”Who ever said that is nuts!”
Or maybe you are somewhere in the middle?
Now, I’m GUESSING what we are supposed to take away from this quote is that we are all supposed to pursue our passions and even when we are busting our butt, it won’t “feel like work.”
Well…we have quite a few opinions on this one little quote, so we decided to create little ‘mini-series’ on the subject…and look forward to hearing your thoughts!
In the next few weeks, we’ll be talking about…
- how we can re-frame “work” (why does it have to be seen as a bad thing?)
- ways to give yourself a reality check with how much your personal identity is defined by your ‘work.’
- what to do if you realize your passion was more fun as a hobby than a job
(note: when we say ‘work’ we are referring to the type of activity you do to earn income)
Care to share??
Tell us what YOU think when you read this quote? Agree? Disagree? Somewhere in the middle?
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)