Macro Newborn Photos – Lashes
One of the reasons parents love macro newborn photos so much is because it captures the tiniest details that they may not even notice every day, like those wispy little lashes.
You can fill up a good chunk of your gallery simply by varying your angles when you’re photographing baby’s lashes. Every angle will produce an unique feel to your images.
From the head down
We love the intimate “sleeping baby” vibes achieved with this angle, where the whole face can be seen.

From above the eye
When you’re focusing this close on only the lashes, you may find that your lens is struggling to find proper focus, because there is very little contrasting elements in the frame. This is especially true when those lashes are blonde!
You may have to use manual focusing for this angle.

From the side
This angle is especially great when you can contrast the dark lashes against a lighter background (or vice versa for blonde lashes).
It may take few tries to get the angle perfect to capture that gentle curl of the lashes, but the challenge is half the fun of macro newborn photos!

Straight on
This angle allows you to capture more of the face than just the lashes, but with the shallow depth of field that macro photos provide, those curly lashes stay the star of the show.

The best way to master macro newborn photos is to practice a little bit every time you have a newborn session. If you’re wondering when in a typical session flow you should take your macro photos, check out our Newborn Essentials Masterclass, where we walk through all the typical poses in a session.
And for more macro photo inspiration, this post all about pouty lips will delight!
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)