20 Things to Help Mama Relax In Her Photo Session
It’s a rare client who walks through your studio and announces “I LOVE being in front of the camera.”
And, when it comes to maternity sessions, it’s no different.
I’m not sure when the last time was that you were in front (not behind) the lens, but it truly can be awkward.
We asked some of our retreat teachers to share their favourite way to get their mama’s to relax in studio and thought you might appreciate hearing their wisdom!
20 Things to Say/Do to Help Mama Relax in her Session
“Sometimes it’s not what you say but how you make them feel. I like to create a Beautiful calm environment and give lots of direction so they can relax and feel confident in me and themselves. But reminding them how beautiful they are and giving praise also helps. “~Kelly Brown, Little Pieces Photography
“You look so beautiful in front of my camera! My job is going to be so easy!! But remember, when you love these photos and think about how gorgeous you look, it was ALLLLL me :p (that normally gets a giggle from them)” ~Reina Procee, Reina Procee Photography
“Think about a wish for your baby” ~Jenny Cruger, Jenny Cruger Photography
“Just ‘love-on’ your beautiful belly” ~Angie McCabe, Myrtle + Moss Photography
“I always start by telling clients that I’m going to teach them ‘the maternity stance’, which feels utterly ridiculous, but looks AMAZING. I then just don’t stop chatting, talking, and cracking jokes pretty much the entire time. My clients always rave about how much fun they have! ” ~Erin Hoskins, Erin Elizabeth Photography
“You look gorgeous!” ~Eden Bao, Eden Bao Photography
“We just talk. I know it sounds weird – but we just talk about life.” ~Rachel Brenke, TheLawTog
“I tell mama to close her eyes, breathe deep and enjoy the feeling of sweet babe inside. I ask her to center her emotions and tell her it’s not about the extra weight she’s carrying, or that she’s feeling so “9-months” right now, it’s about her future, her new love and the love of her partner, and the years ahead that carry divine magic and a hopeful promise.” ~Julia Kelleher, Jewel Images
“You look absolutely stunning.” ~Melissa Garcia, Oh! MG Photo
“You are beautiful!” ~Rebeca Price, Beka Price Photography
“I just talk to her. Posing for nude photos can be stressful. Casual chit-chat the whole time gives her something else to think about 🙂 Asking her questions has to engage her brain in other things while she answers.” ~Shelly Ferguson, Shelly Ferguson Photography
“I’ve seen it all, and I have all the girl bits too” ~Alli Peck, Glow Portraits
“Smile like you are happy to be here”. Or “remember you paid me for gorgeous photos, so let’s relax and have fun” and lastly “I am going to make you look amazing, do not worry – just relax and have fun” ~Ana Brandt, Ana Brandt Photography
“I like to turn the focus on their baby and how they’re preparing themselves to love this new little being. ” ~Stephanie Robin, Stephanie Robin Photography
“Any kind of compliment! You’re AMAZING, GORGEOUS, PERFECT…” ~Brigette Schaffarzick, Penguin Pictures
“You look stunning”… and then I show her the picture. ~Lisa DiGeso, Milk & Honey Photography
“I always tell them how beautiful they are.” ~Dana Pugh, Dana Pugh Photography
“Show her a back of the camera image of how beautiful she looks!” ~Rachel Vanoven, Rachel Vanoven Photography
“I usually just reassure her that she looks beautiful and that it might feel uncomfortable in front of the camera but she looks amazing!” ~Danielle Navratil, Danielle Navratil Photography
And we asked our community what they do, and here’s a few tips they shared…
“Well first of all, I never stop talking through the whole session… I’m constantly directing, making jokes, and trying to make sure everyone is enjoying the session. Often times when we’re posing… I will tell them, “I know it doesn’t exactly feel good (to be stretching, arching, pointing toes, etc…) but it looks great! And that’s all that really matters, right?”.
At that point my mama’s usually laugh and agree and follow all of my instructions! ~Melissa Landres, Melissa Landres Photography
“I usually schedule a pre-consultation where I have my clients try on their gowns/ dresses/ outfits of choice, whether it’s a choice from my collection or one of their own or a mix of both, and it always ends up being more like a fun girly session where we chat about how each of the outfits look and which ones are more flattering on their body types than the others.
I find that this helps my clients feel more confident in their outfits on the day of the session, and also more relaxed and comfortable with me since we’ve already established a sense of trust beforehand.” ~Ruheene, Ruheene Jaura Photography
“The main thing I do is just try and be myself. I’m pretty chatty but I slow down and listen to them (really listen) and what makes them uncomfortable, or about their day etc. I also just try to get to know them. I remind them how how beautiful they look and may even show them the back of the camera just to show them how nice the image looks. I try and take my time with each mama to make her feel special and catered too even if it is only for 90 minutes.” ~Stephanie, Stephanie Rubyor Photography
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If you have a tip of your own, please share in the comments!
And, if your maternity photography could use a little inspiration, check out the {online} Newborn Retreat where we cover maternity as well!
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)