What to do when you can't tie a knot? Fake it!
You know those beautiful fancy knotted newbor wraps? Ever wonder how they are done?
Yeah…me too. I’m not going to show you how in this video, but I WILL show you my sneaky way to ‘fake it!’
This simple newborn wrapping trick will add instant variety to your sessions without having to disturb your little client!
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)

Oh my goodness, this is so clever!
Wow Lisa! Thank you so much for sharing this. Will definitely be adding this to my sessions. How clever!!
So glad this was helpful! 🙂
Did you find out where we can buy wraps that are long enough to swaddle baby? All the ones I’ve bought from etsy or Amazon just seem tiny short in length or short in height any suggestions?