The Key to Empowering Your Clients (and Yourself) with Teri Hofford
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Teri is an incredible body empowerment photographer who goes beyond just taking photos of her clients.
In this episode, she highlights the important distinction between body neutrality vs body positivity and how to use these concepts and the power of photography to renew your clients’ self-confidence.
Teri also shares how she’s making the best of her time right now – and recognizing that even without her camera – she can still show up in powerful ways for her village.
You’ll also discover the critical difference between resilience and positivity and how understanding each will put you in a better position to navigate these uncertain times.
Be sure to grab the free download to help you manage your thoughts and put you back in the driver seat on the things you can control.
Discover more about Teri Hofford
Instagram: @terihofford
Facebook: @terihoffordstudios
Twitter: @terihofford
EveryBodies Education
Bio: Teri Hofford is an inspirational speaker, award-winning empowerment photographer and body image activist based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba. After having been at both ends of the weight spectrum herself, Teri realized that achieving the “perfect” body was not the answer, but rather, finding contentment with the size and shape that one is at in the present is the key to feeling complete and confident. From this, Teri created an empowerment empire, which includes her photography business Teri Hofford Photography, BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMP (™), and everyBODIES Education, 3 resources which help women and photographers overcome their body image issues, so they can shift their focus from changing their bodies, to changing the world.
Resources shared in this episode
Body Respect by Dr. Linda Bacon Book
Heather Walker – Columbus Boudoir
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)