Fun Ideas for Holiday Sessions
I wanted to share a few ideas I’ve used in my Holiday Sessions that you might want to try in your studio!
You know how there are lots of little overlays you can place on your images in Photoshop? Well…that’s NOT what I used in this image! (well..not entirely)

I picked up a glassless decorative frame and had mom hold it while I shot through it. I then added in some ‘snow’ in Photoshop after the fact. Neat, right!
A couple years ago, I really wanted to bring the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ fun into the studio – but I couldn’t find any costumes. The solution? I made them!

These costumes were made from unitards I found on amazon. I rolled up card stock and glued them inside the hats to get them to stay up, and the collars were cut out of felt.
Session going sideways? I find sugar cookies are super helpful.

I try and always have mine made with white icing.. I have found from experience coloured icing stains little mouths, and costumes.
(But before you offer cookies make sure you check with Mom & Dad, that there are no allergies and that its ok! )
If you are looking for even more Holiday Sessions ideas, be sure to check out the Holiday Mini-Session Masterclass – where I share everything from how to schedule, style, shoot and edit your holiday sessions!
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)