Hustling with Heart & Authenticity – with Michelle Harris.
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Michelle Harris is a destination wedding photographer based in the DC area.
She is the owner and lead photographer at M Harris Studios in addition to her associate team, Laila Chanel Studios where she manages 15+ freelance photographers.
Along with her photography services, she is a leader and educator for the online community M Harris Hustlers that inspire and educate wedding photographers.
Michelle hosts a wedding photography conference called Hustle in Heels, where once a year, this conference is held in a major city around the country. This conference is all about empowering women and wedding photographers!
She’s also a mama of 2 gorgeous little girls & a sigma brand ambassador.
I have been following her on Facebook for ages and love her positivity and inspiration encouraging wedding photographers to create a business & life they love.
We dive into a huge range of great topics so grab a notebook! We cover Cultivating a success mindset, creating boundaries to avoid burnout, developing relationships for life with clients, time management tips, the importance of a gratitude practice & showing up as our authentic selves.
For those go-getters and business babes, this one is for you.
Discover more about Michelle Harris
Facebook Group: @HustleInHeels
Instagram: @mharris_studios
Bio: Michelle Harris is a destination wedding photographer based out of the DC area. She is the owner of M Harris Studios and Laila Chanel Studios. Michelle has been featured in magazines such as People, Style Me Pretty, Martha Stewart, and Munaluchi.
Along with being a wedding photographer, Michelle is a mentor and educator for wedding photographers throughout the world.
She is the owner of Hustle-in-Heels which hosts a wedding photography conference once a year in different cities throughout the country. Her education is based on helping other photographers achieve their full business potential.
Resources shared in this episode:
Sigma ambassador Sal Cincotta Creative Live
Celebration selfies – tag #milkywayfun & #mharris_studios & #asacelebrationselfie
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Lisa DiGeso

I’m on a mission to create uplifting online experiences for photographers ready to elevate their art, their business and their mindset.(...and have fun along the way!)