10 Ideas for Mom and Child Poses

Chances are that Mom was the one who booked the session, so making sure that you have mom and child poses for each of her kids that melt her heart should be one of your top priorities.

mom and child poses

A simple pose with child just standing next to Mom is a great starting off point. Use prompts that will have them engage and interact – like asking Mom to tell their child her favourite thing about them.

mom kissing daughter

A kiss from Mom is a must-capture in mom and child poses. It doesn’t matter where the Mom plants the kiss, just be sure to place yourself so that you capture the soft expression on mom’s face. That’s what this shot is all about. Bonus if you get the child’s reaction too like in this image (it may be a grimace in some older kids – just roll with it!)

mom and son nose to nose

Younger kids are not easy to direct in posing (especially from a distance), and so it’s usually easier to give the prompts to mom, and let her relay the direction to her little one. It also overcomes the differences in what people call things.

For example, nose-to-nose poses are so sweet, but families have different names for it … nose kisses, Eskimo kisses, nose rubs … so I avoid puzzled looks from kids, and just ask Mom to do the pose and she takes it from there.

mom and children poses

Ahhh, the Mama Hen pose. It will make any Mama swoon because it incorporates so much of motherhood. Having Mom wrap her arms around her kids and just pull them close says warmth, protection, love, intimacy, guidance – it’s a winner.

It works well as a sitting pose for all ages, and can work as a standing pose too with older kids if Mom is about a head taller than her kids.

Having a child on your lap is pretty synonymous with motherhood, isn’t it. Bundle the kiddo into Mom’s lap, and let her wrap her arms around the child. The closeness and connection in this pose is perfect for mom and child poses.

You can get more formal, look-at-the-camera images to start, then incorporate some movement (look at mom, hug mom’s arm, sway together like you’re on a boat, etc), and then finally, let the tickles happen!

mom hugging girl

Tummy to tummy posing is asure-fire way to create intimate portraits between mom and a single child. Be sure to keep mom’s face visible (and not buried behind the child’s head

mom standing with baby

The tummy-to-tummy pose can be used sitting, but also standing when there are smaller kids. Keep an eye on Mom’s comfort level, and on her posture. You don’t want her leaning backwards under the weight of the kiddo.

mom hugging toddler

With mom and child already posed tummy-to-tummy, you can add lots of variety to your gallery by simply moving around them with your camera (or ask mom to spin around slowly if you’ve already got your background and lighting perfect).

mom lifting child into air

With baby or toddler already in Mom’s arms, doing a little flying will be a natural next step. As before, either move around mom to capture various angles of this shot, or have mom turn around slowly.

Shooting from slightly lower will create the impression of baby flying a little higher – and allow you to capture that cackle of laughter from baby being lifted high!

mom bear hugging son from behind

What about older kids? They’re too big to put on mom’s lap, she can’t pick them up … and they don’t usually like to be kissed and cuddled (at least not in public).

Enter: the bear hug. Even if they just stand there, a bear hug from Mom will still capture all the feels. And a self-deprecating comment from the photographer may just amuse them enough to crack a smile!

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