10 Ideas for Dad and Child Poses

Looking for some adorable and heartwarming poses to capture the special bond between dads and their little ones? I’ve gathered 10 fantastic ideas for dad and child poses that are guaranteed to melt your heart. From playful moments to tender hugs, these poses are perfect for capturing those precious memories to cherish forever. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a proud parent looking to snap some amazing shots, these ideas will surely inspire you. 

I love showcasing the playful nature of dad and child relationships, while still keeping some tender moments in there.

Top: Shannon McTighe Photography Bottom left: Olive Grey Photography Bottom right: Nicole Park Photography

Photography Ideas for Posing Dad and Children

Dad is often able to put 2 kids on his lap (one on each leg) with just a little effort, so use that! Start with a simple sitting down pose – switching between all looking at the camera, and then dad snuggling the kids.

If one or both of the kids are a bit older, Dad may not be able to comfortably hold 2 kids on his lap. Having one or even all kids stand is perfectly fine – just bring their heads close together.

And then, for those preteens who are too tall for a sit-down pose, but too short to stand next to dad, you can always try this sweet dad and child pose that will have the parents reminisce over those days when the kids still fit on dad’s knee.

But shoot fast – this is not a comfortable pose to hold for too long!

dad and child poses

Get them Personal with Each other

It doesn’t get more intimate than a face-to-face pose – shorter kids can stand in front of Dad, or taller ones can sit straddling his lap. This is a perfect time to encourage some conversation – it doesn’t have to be serious at all. Prompt them to talk about their favourite ice cream flavours, or whether cats or dogs are better, or who snores the loudest … giggles are bound to ensue.

I like to also direct kids to touch dad’s face. It creates a wonderfully tender moment. I will usually ask “Can you feel how prickly Daddy’s cheek is?”, or “Can you find Daddy’s ear?

While everyone is still seated, encourage hugs and kisses. You can shoot this straight on, getting both faces in the frame. But I also love going behind the child and focusing on Dad’s face (it’s the softest expression when they hug their kids!). And then switching it up and shooting from behind Dad, focusing on how little the hands are that wrap around his neck.

You already know that tummy-to-tummy poses are some of my favourites. Even more so for Dads, because they are able to lift those little ones a little bit longer. Start this pose with a call for everyone to look at the camera. Boom! Mom’s Favourite Shot.

Once you’ve captured a moment of looking at the camera, encourage hugs and kisses and one-on-one interaction. Let this be a quiet moment – filled with whispers and soft smiles.

Make the Poses a Fun Experience

End your dad and child poses with some fun. For younger kids, that means they get to fly! Shooting from down low with the sky as the background will mean it looks like they are flying even higher. Get ready to capture squeals of delight – this is so often a dad and child’s signature thing to do, and they will treasure having this be captured.

And if the child is too big to go fly or be tossed in the air, pop them on dad’s shoulders. I’ve seen dads with kids as old as 10 do this pose.

Keep Them Motivated and Focused

Kids and dads are not always the best at sitting still … so let them walk! Holding hands works well for kids of all ages, and if they are a bit older and taller, dad can even drape his arm around their shoulder.

This is a great “unpose” to shoot from different perspectives. Just ask your subjects to walk towards you, and then walk away from you.

Pin this for easy finding later! All Images by Milk & Honey Photography

Looking for even more inspiration on dad and child poses? Check out this post of 20 Photos of Dad Being Awesome




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