The Art & Soul Show

...where we dive into heart-opening chats on photography,
business, life & that messy in between.


You are more than

a photographer.

You’re an artist, a dreamer, a business boss, and a creative.

This is the place you can go when you need a boost of encouragement, a kick in the pants, and inspiration to pick up your camera.



Latest Episodes


Motherhood Unscripted : Capturing Natural Motherhood Moments that Matter with Laura Parkin Warner

Breastfeeding is a natural way for mothers to feed their babies, a part of human biology, and a ...

The Voice Within : Tuning into your Creative Intuition and Using Photography to Heal with Paula Owen

Have you ever felt a calling? A voice inside of yourself telling you to help someone or share ...

Creativity, Consistency, and Kids: Cultivating a Successful Photography Business and Life with Nicole Ashley

Many of us as creative entrepreneurs struggle with managing the push and pull of parenthood and creativity. On ...

Business, Boundaries, and Baby Photos with Angelica Sam

As a young mom, Angelica Sam wanted baby photos for her sweet little girl, but she was unable ...

All Things Baby: The Art of Newborn Photography with Megan Macdonald

Is there anything cuter than a squishy little baby wrapped up and surrounded by soft accessories? Their cute ...

Meet your host,

Lisa DiGeso

I'm a mom, a photographer, and entrepreneur and I’m on a mission to help others create art they love and build a business that lights them up.

As photographers, we freeze moments in time that will stay in the hearts of families for generations. What we do matters. Deeply.

I fully believe in collaboration over competition and love bringing together teachers, guests and students so we all can learn from one another.

Subscribe Now for honest conversations, advice & inspiration on mindset, entrepreneurship and creativity.

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The Art & Soul Show?

  • Tell us why you (or your recommendation) would be a great fit for the show!
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Our podcast producer will reach out if the content sounds like a good fit for our audience.

Lisa DiGeso

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