The Art & Soul Show

...where we dive into heart-opening chats on photography,
business, life & that messy in between.


You are more than

a photographer.

You’re an artist, a dreamer, a business boss, and a creative.

This is the place you can go when you need a boost of encouragement, a kick in the pants, and inspiration to pick up your camera.



Latest Episodes


Finding Success as a Stock Photography Superstar with Aubrey Westlund

As a photographer, there are so many niches that you can choose from for your business, and many ...

Branding & Business without Burnout: Growing a Sustainable Brand Photography Business with Meg McMillan

Whether your business goals include winning awards, making a certain amount of money, or working with dream clients, ...

Motherhood & Magical Mamas: The Art of Maternity Photography with Lela Ruth

Expectant mothers want to feel pampered and beautiful. Unfortunately, the perception of how a woman should look is ...

Home Is Where the Heart Is: In-Home Family Photography with Kelly Goggin

How do you picture the newborn phase? A laundry pile in a corner, formula spilled on sheets, and ...

In the Wild: Adventure Family Photography with Rebecca Lueck

Adventure and family photography is a wild mix of amazing light, beautiful landscapes, lovely clients… and occasionally unpredictable ...

Meet your host,

Lisa DiGeso

I'm a mom, a photographer, and entrepreneur and I’m on a mission to help others create art they love and build a business that lights them up.

As photographers, we freeze moments in time that will stay in the hearts of families for generations. What we do matters. Deeply.

I fully believe in collaboration over competition and love bringing together teachers, guests and students so we all can learn from one another.

Subscribe Now for honest conversations, advice & inspiration on mindset, entrepreneurship and creativity.

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The Art & Soul Show?

  • Tell us why you (or your recommendation) would be a great fit for the show!
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Our podcast producer will reach out if the content sounds like a good fit for our audience.

Lisa DiGeso

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