
We're so excited you are joining us for {online} Family Retreat!


Here's what to do next...

(please read until the end to see where to access the videos!)

#1. Check for

your confirmation email!


If it doesn't arrive within 10 minutes, please email [email protected]

The Milky Way Photography

Here's a few reasons it

might not arrive....

Icons-Why do students love our classes PINK_Computer

A. There's a typo in your email address.

.con, photograpy, gnail, hotmaik...

It happens. We can fix it - easy peasy.


B. It's hiding in Spam (or promo tab)

Sometimes that email gets a little shy and tries to hide!  If you do a search for subject line: "Success! 2019 Family Retreat (next steps!)" you often can find it!


C. Tech gremlins (or it's possible you had opted out of emails from us in the past)

Please don't panic + submit a fraud claim, we'll get you sorted out! (We've had over 20,000 students take our retreats, we're legit - promise!)

Family Retreat Photography

#2. Carve out learning time!


(and get ready to connect with your fellow retreaters!!)

#3. Look for


(it should arrive 5 minutes after the confirmation email!)

BUT - here's a sneaky little trick if you want to dive in INSTANTLY!

>> Click here to go to our learning site

Click on the 'Send me a Snappy Login' link and our system will email you a one-time link so you can dive in while you wait for your official password!

2019 Family Retreat