EditFest Teacher HQ
We are soooo happy you are here!
Inside this HQ, you'll find all the info you need around your editing video guidelines, promo dates, teacher tips + more.
If you have ANY questions, let us know - we are here to make this the best experience possible for you! 🙂
Edit Fest
Important DatesÂ
Promo Images & Fun Facts due:Â Sept 6th, 2024
Videos due:Â Sept 13th, 2024
Giveaway:Â Sept 12th (10AM PST - 17th (11:59 pm PST)
Sale begins: Sept 18th, 2024 (10AM PST)
EditFest starts:Â Â Sept 25th, 2024
Facebook group:Â Sept 25th - Oct 4th, 2024Â (for daily check in inside the #AskTeacher threads).
Here are your next steps...
Editing Video Guidelines
Class length: 30-60 minutes
Part 1: Introduction
Please start by introducing yourself, your studio and letting people know the main topic of your editing film.Â
NO music or animated intros/title pages, subtitles or logo please.
Video needs to be shot in landscape (ie: it fills the screen). It's nice for people to see your lovely face before you move on to the editing portion.
We'll be adding a title slide everything is consistent.
This is usually just a few minutes long.
Part 2: Editing
Quicktime is an easy option for recording your screen.
But, you can use another program if you wish like Loom.
If you are going to show yourself in the corner (not required) - be sure that it doesn't cover any editing tools that you are using.Â
Please be sure to explain what you are doing every.single.step of the way, what tools you are using and the settings!Â
It can sometimes be hard to see this on a screen share!
Keep your voice volume consistent throughout the edit. There is a tendency to get quieter as the edit goes on.
REMEMBER: HAND-EDITS ONLY for main teaching video!
If you do use presets/actions in your normal workflow, AFTER the main teaching video, you can show how you incorporate this to make it a quicker process.
Please do not reference other links, special offers, etc in the video.Â
We have a place to put this on your teacher page, which ensures the videos remain timeless (because links change!).Â
Are you promoting too? Here's how affiliate links work...Â
You will receive a unique link (via ThriveCart) to share with your audience.
When someone clicks on your link, before it redirects them to our Edit-Fest sales page, it leaves a tracking code on their computer/device.
If that person buys within 90 days of clicking your link, the sale is tracked back to you. You receive 50% of all sales tracked from your link, paid out automatically via Paypal 7 days after the sale.
IMPORTANT: The sale is credited to the last affiliate link clicked just prior to the purchase, based on the device/computer they used ​when they clicked link.
You MUST copy + paste the affiliate link exactly as we provide it to you.
It will look something like this
Please note: NO technology is perfect and we rely on the reporting of our system (ThriveCart). If you think this may cause you stress, let's discuss if being a promoter is a good fit - because quite honestly, if it's going to cause you stress, it's going to cause our team stress! (...and we're wrinkly enough on our own - haha)
Editing video done and ready to send us?
Awesome! Before uploading, please review check-list to ensure it meets all the filming guidelines 🙂
Includes intro before diving into edit
NO music used in any part of video
Audio levels stay consistent volume
Image release signed by client
RAW file ready to submit
Exported at 1280×720  (1920x1280 even better)
Checked all the tick-marks? Ah-mazing!
Here's 3 ways you can share your video:
Quickest for files up to 2GB. We'll send you a guest login to upload directly to our wetransfer account.
We'll send you a guest login to upload directly to our vimeo account (so you can export directly from your editing software).
You can export the file to your computer then upload to Dropbox (share link with [email protected])
Note: video can take a L-O-N-G time to upload.
If you have any questions on how to export the file, reach out and we can give you specific info based on the software you are using!