Your results are in...

are you ready?


Your super-powers are...

The Surprise + Delighter


You are as thoughtful as they come - and when it comes to your client sessions,
you are ALL about looking after all the small touches.


Welcome signs, gifts, flowers, snacks…

You know how to make your clients feel seen, feel loved and feel appreciated.

Coming up with ideas to create surprise and delight into everything you do for your clients lights you up.

And you put the same level of thought and care into designing your sessions.

What's YOUR Superpower?

Here's a few things to watch out for...

(aka: your kryptonite)


Don’t forget to keep the love going AFTER the session so your clients don’t feel like they’ve been wined and dined and then left on the curb.

And also in your need to plan out the little details, don’t forget to leave room for spontaneity and going with the flow based on your clients and the situation.

Of course, I’m going to guess you already knew these things about you. Perhaps this will just give you permission to fully embrace YOUR strengths and let more of that shine in your sessions.


“You KNOW how to make people

feel special!”

How to keep the love going AFTER the session?

Here's 11 ideas you can use...

  • Send a thank-you text immediately after your session
  • Write a hand-written thank-you note after your session (in addition to one that you might include with your package) – it’s rare to get hand-written notes these days, and a simple, “I hope you are enjoying your family photos…thanks once again for trusting me with these precious memories” can make a lasting impression
  • Collect their birthday + anniversary information during your intake process, and send out cards (don’t make it a marketing opportunity…just send a thoughtful note)
  • Send out holiday cards (this might seem overwhelming…but get some holiday cards now, and after each session, write it out and file it to send out next November – same goes with those birthday and anniversary cards – write them out right after the session and then file for the month it should be sent out!
  • If a client refers someone (whether or not you have a referral program) take the time to send them a thank-you note (resist the urge to just send an email!)
  • If you know a bit more about your client’s interests, job, etc – if you see newspaper or online articles that you think they might be interested in, send them a quick email with the link, saying “saw this and thought of you” (it doesn’t need to be any longer than that!
  • Host a client appreciation event. It could be a summer picnic or BBQ, a studio anniversary party (you could invite all or just your top clients for a VIP event)
  • At your session, print out one extra 4×6 and make a card to send out 10 months later with a quick note like, “Oh how time flies! Would love the opportunity to photograph your family again” or “That was then…would love to capture your now!” – and if you offer an incentive to clients who rebook…special bonus, etc – remind them of it here.
  • Send out a monthly studio e-newsletter (include some recent sessions, maybe a bit about what’s going on in your world, some new products, upcoming sessions, etc)
  • Create a custom calendar for your top clients to give as holiday gifts (you then get to stay top of mind all year round!
  • Pick up the phone and call them (I personally would reserve that for those I had a strong personal connection to, otherwise I KNOW it would come off awkward!)
What's YOUR Superpower?


Where to from here?

(‘cause girl, I KNOW you have big plans for your future success!)

Step One

Make a learning plan.

It’s easy to hop from one YouTube tutorial to the next, learning a bit of this a bit of that, and fully understanding very little. Decide the area that is holding you back, and get to work on that. Find a trusted mentor/teacher/group to help.

Step Two

Practice, practice, practice.

One of the mistakes that can happen easily for those of us who love learning is forgetting to practice what we learn. Because let’s face it - watching a video and DOING the thing...especially when it comes to newborn posing are two very different things.

Make sure you schedule practice sessions (even if it’s with a doll!) as you are learning new skills.

Step Three

Ask for feedback

​This is so.darn.hard. But girl, let me tell you, nothing is going to help you start seeing your work in a new light and see your weak spots quicker than putting yourself out for critique. HOWEVER - and this is key -make sure you are putting yourself out there in groups that are there to lift you up (not tear you down). Yes, you can get a less than stellar critique - AND still feel supported.

If you ever find yourself in a group where you feel less-than, or belittled, get out fast and find a group of positive peers (ahem...we happen to have the best communities on the planet! 😉 )

Here's a few more

important tips



Be mindful that what you show is what you want to photograph.

Does your website/social media posts reflect the types of images that you want to capture? The images you show will attract the clients that will resonate with it.


Ensure you are taking time to work ON your business not just IN it.

We’re artists - but we’re also business owners - and when things get busy, it’s easy to find ourselves putting off the activities we know we *should* be doing because we find ourselves in a cycle of ‘shoot - edit - repeat.’


Don’t forget to take care of YOU.

While we’re artists and business owners, we’re also humans, and as one of my mentors says, “we’re human BEINGS, not human doings.” So don’t forget to take time to recharge, refuel and enjoy the simple pleasures of life (whatever brings YOU joy!)

Hello lovely!

Lisa DiGeso

If we haven't met yet, I'm Lisa and I'm so glad you're here!

I’m a photographer, educator and mama to one incredible little boy (who isn’t so little any more!)

I remember feeling so alone (and overwhelmed) when I was getting started and I know it doesn’t have to be that way.

You've just discovered the friendliest, most supportive community of photographers and teachers that will help you learn the skills you need to create the art you love and a business that truly lights you up.


If you take away nothing else from this quiz, let it be this...

Who you are is

MORE than enough!


I want this to be a permission slip to allow yourself to just be YOU in your sessions, with your clients, in your branding.

Online. Offline. All.the.time.

When you fully embrace your natural gifts and strengths, you will see you don’t have to try to ‘fit in’ to any one box.

You can do YOU - in a way that feel aligned with who you are naturally.

So what's next? So happy you asked!

If you’re brand new to the Milky Way family, watch your inbox in the coming days as I share some great ways to stay connected with your clients in a way that feels authentic to YOU!


And if you're a newborn photographer...

Did you know you can get instant access to the video collection inside the
2023 {online} Newborn Retreat!