2024 {online}
2024 {online}
Newborn Retreat

26 of the industry's best newborn & maternity photographers are joining forces to share their secrets with you on...
Newborn posing + workflows (so you can create your own)
Wrapping and styling ideas (discover the latest creative techniques)
Fine-art maternity posing & editing
Outdoor maternity sessions for couples & families (showcasing a storytelling connection)

Save $50!
$397 USD sale: $347 USD
Enjoy instant access
Master the art of newborn & maternity photography
(...all from the comfort of home)
Plus join our POSITIVE community for ongoing support.
Press PLAY for a sneak peek of what you'll find inside...
No need to book childcare or pay for expensive airfare—
stay home in your comfy pants and learn new posing, lighting, wrapping + styling ideas to elevate your work, bring more creativity to your sessions and feel more confident than ever.

You'll enjoy lifetime access to all 26 classes...
(Click on the arrows for class descriptions)
New to our Retreats?
Here's how it works...

1. It all happens online.
Get every lesson
from every instructor—
ready with the click of a mouse any time you want to watch.

2. Learn on YOUR schedule
You can watch (and rewatch) as much as you wish! Prioritize what sounds interesting & exciting to you, move on to other lessons when you’re ready for more.

3. Connect in Community
Connect with fellow retreaters inside our private group. It's a safe + drama free place to grow!
Check out these student glow-ups…
Will we be sharing yours next?
You’ve got what it takes…
it just doesn’t always feel like it.

And guess what? That’s okay.
But those big dreams you have for your newborn photography business are totally possible
—you just might need a little help along the way.
Whether you’re feeling eager to keep learning at any phase in your career, or if you’re overwhelmed & confused with little details that sneak up on you and add stress during your shoots, or like you’re stuck in a rut and you just need a little inspiration to shake you out of your funk …
There’s no shame in any of it.
But the boatload of hours you’re spending scrolling social media, comparing yourself to other photographers, second-guessing your work while you try to figure out what they know that you don’t…
it’s not getting you anywhere—at least not anywhere good.
You're on the right track though.

Hi. I'm Lisa.
~ founder of The Milky Way and newborn photographer of more than a decade over at Milk & Honey Photography …
Now … if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my newborn photography career, it’s that the more I’m exposed to other artists—the freer I feel to be myself and develop my own personal style ...
… the more I develop my own best practices based on the tips I gather from a bunch of different sources ...
And the better my work gets.

What it Doesn't mean...
That doesn’t mean comparing your work side-by-side with someone who’s been in the business longer, has way more experience, and has probably clocked a lot more hours of expert education than you …
It doesn’t mean becoming a copycat, and just mimicking what you see your Internet Icons doing, so you become a dupe of their work, instead of confidently standing in your own identity …
And it definitely doesn’t mean spending your precious time going down endless Youtube rabbit trails trying to piece together bits and pieces of free information when you discover another thing you didn’t know you didn’t know.
Instead it means...
Comparing your work today with your work from the past—taking time to celebrate and acknowledge how much you’ve grown.
Drawing inspiration from photographers you admire, letting your creativity lead the way as you develop your unique style. .
Committing to your development—learning something new every day, and practicing your skills to get better with time.

And sure, while you run your business with a messy bun on your head and a hot cup of coffee in hand—
You deserve to feel confident in yourself,
strong in your skills, and proud of the priceless memories you create for your clients.
That means between shooting, editing, tackling your to-do list, and actually living your personal life, you need a source of inspiration, encouragement, and growth that’s reliable, safe, and drama-free.
That’s exactly why we created The {online} Newborn Retreat

“I was looking for the right way of doing things, instead I found permission to do things the way that worked for me.”
~Newborn Retreat alumna turned instructor, Kelly Goggin
The {online} Newborn Retreat brings together a diverse group of photographers from all over the world to teach techniques & topics through the specific lens of newborn photography.
“What I realized was that everyone was doing things so differently
- but they were all successful.
If you’re open & teachable, when you attend the {online} Newborn Retreat,
you get so much more than what you think you need."
You could pay a similar price for just ONE in-depth lesson …
Or, you could can enjoy classes from 26 amazing photographers that you can
revisit time & again as you need it in your business.

Our students have shared countless success stories …
What will YOUR story be?

Because of the digital nature of The {Online} Newborn Retreat, we don’t offer a money-back guarantee. Just like an in-person conference, there will be some that are more applicable than others. But the artist you are today is different than the one you'll be a year from now, so your learning needs will also shift.
How to know if the {Online} Newborn Retreat is right for you:

You’re watching what other photographers are doing to see if you can discover something new. You enjoy trying new approaches and learning new techniques
You’ve been doing this for a while, but if you’re honest, you feel a little stuck and you're in a bit of a creative rut.
You’re just getting started, and while you’ve got a creative vision for your work, it’s the actual posing, wrapping, lighting, and editing you want some instruction on to boost your confidence.
Q U E S T I O N S A B O U T T H E N E W B O R N R E T R E A T ?
Here’s what we know to be true:

"..a game-changer!"
The only Retreat you can pause, rewind, & rewatch
- any time you like, as many times as you want.
Instead of trying to soak up and retain as much in-person education as you can, or devoting countless hours to fluff-filled DIY education videos, dig into value-packed education from some of the top names in newborn photography …developed with YOU in mind.
And, while you’re at it, quit feeling like you’re all by yourself on the journey—and join the drama-free community of other newborn photographers ready to cheer you on and champion you in your business as you do the same for them.
Over 27,500 students have experienced our online retreats + classes...
will you be next?

With such a wide variety of talent joining us this year to teach, we don’t just get to witness how one person works; we get to see the process from a variety of different photographers.
Because there isn't just ONE way to do things
(and for that I'm grateful!)
Have a question
Leave us a note. We’ll get back to you within 24hrs.